We all seek growth in some area of our lives. It could be growing a skill, career, business, partnership, or even a family. Whatever it is, growth is a process. A process that will always demand you to give it something before it gives itself to you.

Growth demands…

Dedication – a commitment to do the work that is required to grow. The work may not always be easy or enjoyable, but you have to see it through.

Sacrifice – growth will cost you something to obtain it. It may cost you time, money, relationships, or changes in lifestyle.  Sacrifice includes having to say “no”.  No to others and yourself (things you want or used to having/doing). Consider the things you may have to do without temporarily or permanently. Is it worth the growth you want to achieve? If so, just think of sacrifice as delayed gratification.

Learning – When you seek to grow in an area you haven’t experienced before, you will go through a learning curve. No one has all the right answers all the time. There will be some ambiguity when you navigate new territory. So, give yourself some grace if you make a mistake along the way. Acknowledge your mistake then ask yourself “what did I learn from it”. Learning is a part of the growth process; but learning may not always feel good.

Exposure – Learning often requires you to expose yourself to new environments (people, places, or things) from time to time. If you limit yourself to what or who you already know, how can you grow? If you want to see something different, do something different.

Resilience – Anything worth having often comes with challenges. Challenges that may stretch you, frustrate you, or disappoint you. But you must have the capacity to recover and try again.

Instead of fighting against it, go ahead, give growth what it wants from you. Commit yourself to it, make room for it by giving up something, open yourself up to learn from it, let it introduce you to a new experience, and stick with it until it gives itself back to you.

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