Challenges are often perceived as obstacles; a stumbling block that trips you up or keeps you from obtaining a desired output. If an obstacle lingers too long, you may become frustrated with it. Once frustration sets in, it’s hard to keep a clear and level head. Hence, your progress slows or stops altogether because frustration is a distraction that can render you useless for a period of time. If you start looking at challenges from a different perspective, you may find yourself welcoming them.

Think about it. What does a challenge typically cause you to do? It causes you to expand your thinking. Perhaps, see things you may have overlooked, review your resources, or alter your approach or technique. When you start to do these things, you eventually regain your momentum. All these things then become steppingstones rather than a stumbling block to the desired output.

A challenge from this perspective, is just a signal to optimize your strategy. An indication something needs to be improved or done a different way.  The sooner you recognize the signal, the faster you regain momentum because you embrace the challenge rather than get frustrated with it.

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